Free Virtual 6-10 of December 2022
Share. Give Back. Inspire.
Let’s build our STEM community by coming together to encourage, support and inspire each other. Join us as we share and learn from one another on all things STEM! Sessions included topics on STEM pedagogy, engineering education, best practices in STEM outreach, inspirational talks and resources to empower our STEM community!
Building Tomorrow’s Technical Community Today!
Are you a pre-university STEM educator in the classroom or engaged in informal education, an IEEE member interested in pre-university STEM outreach, an active volunteer already engaged in STEM outreach, or a STEM enthusiast? The IEEE STEM Summit is for you!
Family Fun
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the 2nd IEEE STEM Summit. This international event is an annual event hosted by IEEE Educational Pre-University Activities virtually and for free The theme of the IEEE STEM Summit is “Building Tomorrow’s Technical Community Today!”. This theme provides a springboard for STEM enthusiasts, educators, parents, and anyone interested in STEM professionally or voluntarily, to encourage, influence, and strengthen all pre-university students to explore the internal engineer and scientist that hides inside them. IEEE STEM Summit is happening on 6-10 December 2022, and its program consists of keynote speeches, invited speeches, panel discussions, workshops, and family activities.
The Summit aims to explore further the benefits of STEM activities to the younger ages, to exchange knowledge through experience on how to run STEM activities, to showcase the volunteering work and the impact of IEEE members engaging with STEM, but also to provide to teachers a new hub of STEM resources and lessons created by IEEE, and last but not least to let parents meet with new ways to get closer with their children through fun and easy to do at home educational activities.
Join us for the 2nd IEEE STEM Summit, and, explore a new STEM community to Share. Give Back. and Inspire.
Success Stories
2021 STEM Summit participants’ comments
It was great Fun, I had to listen to replay many times to find answers.
Benny Jackson
Excellent despite some technical difficulties and quirkiness of Hopin
Murray MacDonald
Its simply superb. I have learnt so much from being a member of the STEM Portal Testing Group with Dawna and the IEEE STEM Ambassadors team with Lynn. And the STEM Summit by Lorena is really an eye opener of other STEM events from around the world. THANK YOU IEEE!